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Unpacking your New Home

Darryl Brocklesby • Feb 15, 2023

The new season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions. Whether it’s eating well or cleaning out the garage, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions.

Unpacking for your new home

Unpacking in your new home is arguably more challenging, and time-consuming, than the original packing. For some, this is a chance to get the ball rolling in making your new place feel like it belongs to you, whilst others may recoil in horror at the size of the task at hand.

Regardless of whichever school of thought you may belong to, the task is going nowhere, meaning that like it or love it, those boxes need unpacking.

Getting started

Just like how we said to pack with a system, you need to unpack with one too. Pack an 'Open First' box for each room, in which you have the absolute essentials, such as phone chargers, a toothbrush or medicine. 

For your kitchen and bathroom, this first box you open should include cleaning products so you can wipe surfaces down before unpacking. Doing so also allows you to use shelf liners, which makes future cleaning that little easier. 

Carry out checks

Especially relevant for those renting a property, carry out checks of everything before you start to unpack and photograph any damage so you can protect your deposit. Ensure you do this before unpacking to remove the threat of any disputes.

In rare instances, accidents can happen. On the off chance damage has happened, and before your removal company has left, carry out checks on everything in the house they have brought in. It could be considerably easier to file a dispute - and resolve it - if an issue is immediately flagged.

Unpack the most important things first

By labelling boxes as you pack them, you give yourself the best chance of efficiently unpacking at your destination. Consider including an inventory inside each box, or taped to the outside, as a reminder of the contents. 

Where practical, and possible, after labelling boxes, pack your removal vehicle in reverse order. This approach allows you to prioritise getting the items you need soonest off the truck. It also removes the pressure to try and unpack everything in one go, as your first few boxes should contain whatever is necessary to get through the first few days.

Unpack one room at a time

The time you arrive at your new house may play a part in determining where you begin. But, regardless of if you start with your bathroom or living room, focus on one room at a time to speed the process up.

Where practical, and possible, after labelling boxes, pack your removal vehicle in reverse order. This approach allows you to prioritise getting the items you need soonest off the truck. It also removes the pressure to try and unpack everything in one go, as your first few boxes should contain whatever is necessary to get through the first few days.

As anyone who has moved can attest, moving is incredibly taxing on both your body and mind - the last thing that anyone wants to do when exhausted is assemble a bed. 

Think sustainably

Chances are, you will have used a lot of boxes and packing materials to protect your valuables during your move. But, what are you going to do with it all once you have unpacked?

Packing boxes with materials such as newspaper or bubble wrap is a great way to be sustainable as you can recycle these.

If you use 
cardboard boxes, you have numerous options for being sustainable. You can recycle them or reuse them for things such as storage or keeping the shed organised. Failing that, why not give them back to your removal company so they can help another family move home?

Take your time

Moving home is stressful enough without adding extra pressure, or time-based deadlines, on yourself. Remember, the process of making a house a home is more of a marathon than a sprint. Take your time.

If you use 
cardboard boxes, you have numerous options for being sustainable. You can recycle them or reuse them for things such as storage or keeping the shed organised. Failing that, why not give them back to your removal company so they can help another family move home?

Ensure your moving day comes and goes without a hitch by planning your big day - and, where possible, 
avoid these common mistakes. Or, why not trust the experts? AnyVan can help turn your move into a reality.

Kickstart your move by getting an instant quote for a 
Home Removal, or call us on 07503 417680.

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